Link to animation video of the Quest of the Virosols in English
Link to animation video in Bahasa Indonesia
Download the compiled educational poster for comics here (A0 size, 84 cm x 120 cm) (Select a language below to download the poster):
English Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) Spanish Bahasa Indonesia Thailand Bahasa Malaysia Japanese German Italian Russian French Dutch Philippine Sinhala
Select an available language below for the explainer comics in PDF:
English Spanish Bahasa Indonesia Thailand Bahasa Malaysia Bahasa Iban Portuguese Japanese Catalan Traditional Chinese German (Switzerland) German (Austria) German (Germany) Italian Russian French Dutch Hungarian Filipino Sinhala
(*Downloadable PPT slides for each language can be found at the bottom of this webpage!)
Production: Chia C. Wang, Aerosol Science Research Center (ASRC), National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.
Edition: Chia C. Wang, Paichi P. Shein, ASRC, NSYSU.
Source: Chia C. Wang, Kimberly A. Prather, Josué Sznitman, Jose L. Jimenez, Seema S. Lakdawala, Zeynep Tufekci, Linsey C. Marr, Science 373, eabd9149(2021).
The copyrights of all the content, text, images, audiovisual, software and programs on the pages of this website belong to the Aerosol Science Research Center (ASRC) of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), and are subject to the Copyright Law of the Republic of China, the International Copyright Law, and intellectual property rights are protected by relevant laws. Any individual, organization or institution, without the written consent of ASRC, shall not reproduce, publish or distribute the content of this website in any form to carry out any commercial activities. "The Quest of the Virosols" series of popular science comics can be publicly disseminated for educational purpose, and the source should be indicated when disseminating. However, any kind of alteration, modification, cropping, extension, or reproduction of this set of comics, or any commercial activities related with this set of comics without consent from ASRC is prohibited. Translation to different language is possible upon consent of ASRC.
Contact us:
Phone: +886-7-5252000 ext. 3941, 3942
PDF files:
English Spanish Bahasa Indonesia Thailand Bahasa Malaysia Bahasa Iban Portuguese
Japanese Catalan German (Switzerland) German (Austria) German (Germany) Italian Russian
French Dutch Hungarian Filipino Sinhala Finnish Swedish Greek
PPT files:
English Spanish Bahasa Indonesia Thailand Bahasa Malaysia Bahasa Iban Portuguese
Japanese Catalan German (Switzerland) German (Austria) German (Germany) Italian Russian
French Dutch Hungarian Filipino Sinhala Finnish Swedish Greek
* Languages listed in gray indicate a translator has been designated, and translation is currently ongoing.