Air product education takes root in National Sun Yat-sen University and Education Bureau to train seed teachers
PM 2.5 fine aerosol is called "the invisible killer in the air", and it is a major issue that the world is currently facing and paying attention to. In order to cultivate the correct knowledge of air pollution prevention, Aerosol Science Research Center of National Sun Yat-sen University and the Education Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government jointly organized the Kaohsiung City K-12 air quality education seed teacher training and study at all levels of learning. It is hoped that air pollution knowledge will be rooted in the campus.
Nearly a hundred principals, teachers, students, and volunteers participated enthusiastically in this event. The study was based on air quality-related theories, combined with domestic and international air pollution cases for analysis, so that seed teachers could understand the importance and connotation of air quality education. In addition to theoretical explanations and case analysis, we also visited the special exhibition "Pull the Haze to See the Sun•PM 2.5 Vision" planned and designed by Sun Yat-Sen University, and conducted teaching plan design and seminars to provide first-line educators with more appropriate air pollution teaching materials.In turn, allow more members of the public and school students at all levels to learn about the relevant aspects of PM 2.5, work together to improve the quality of the environment and protect the health of themselves and their families.
Huang-Zhe Bin, Director of the Information and International Education Section of the Kaohsiung Education Bureau, mentioned that this air pollution seed training and seminar will enable school principals, directors and teachers at all levels to have a comprehensive understanding and understanding of PM 2.5 air pollution issues. Groups discuss with each other in groups, combined with their own teachers' professional subjects, to stimulate new ideas and creativity in air pollution prevention, and to correctly convey the current global air pollution and prevention work information to students, and to improve students' environmental awareness.
Associate Professor Chia C. Wang, the Director of the Aerosol Science Research Center at National Sun Yat-sen University, said that she is very pleased to see so many educational partners in Kaohsiung City to participate. After completing this study, she will become the seed teacher of air quality education, and then the concept of air pollution prevention and control can be rooted down. To high school, junior high school, elementary school. In addition, she also hopes that everyone will jointly develop air quality education teaching plans, promote teachers to observe and learn from each other, and achieve the effect of improving teachers and students' environmental science literacy.
Aerosol Science Research Center of Sun Yat-sen University currently sets up a "PM2.5 Aerosol, Environment and Life" co-learning group. On the one hand, it develops new and integrated courses at the university side and is also committed to cultivating seed teachers at all stages of K-12 Talents, develop new courses, teaching materials and teaching methods for aerosol science and air quality education suitable for all school ages, and cultivate the next generation of students with basic environmental protection awareness and scientific literacy.Hope that PM2.5 can become the general public. Understand the life issues, and can fundamentally change behaviors, prevent and improve them, so that the quality of life and public health can be protected.
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